Our lawn aeration service costs vary depending on the size and condition of your lawn. With our free lawn assessments, we’ll come and take a look at what you’re working with and provide a quote at no cost or obligation to you.
The best time to aerate your lawn depends on the type of grass you have. To aerate warm season grasses such as kikuyu, couch grass, zoysia and buffalo grass, the best time is during early spring and summer while they are in their active growth stage. In some cases aeration is also needed in autumn and winter due to specific circumstances. For cool season grasses, such as fescue and ryegrass, the best time to aerate is during autumn or early winter while they are still growing but not too fast. We do not aerate your lawn when it is too wet or too dry, as this can damage the soil structure and the grass roots.
We use different methods and tools to aerate your lawn, depending on the size and condition of your lawn. The most common methods are:
Core aeration: Sometimes a sturdy garden fork just won’t cut it. At Greenest Lawn Co, we use a machine called a lawn core aerator that removes small plugs or cores of soil and thatch from your lawn. This method creates larger holes that allow more air, water and nutrients to reach the soil and the grass roots. This method will also fix soil compaction and improve drainage.
Spike aeration: We use a tool called a spike aerator that punches holes in your lawn with spikes or tines. This method creates smaller holes that allow some air, water and nutrients to reach the compacted soil and the grass roots. This method also loosens up the soil surface slightly.
Liquid aeration: We apply soil additives that contain enzymes, surfactants and wetting agents that break down the soil particles and create tiny pores in your lawn. This method does not create visible holes but allows more air, water and nutrients to penetrate the soil and the grass roots. This method also improves water retention and reduces runoff.
After aerating your lawn, we rake up and dispose of any plugs or debris. We also water, fertilise and overseed your lawn if needed to help it recover from the stress of aeration.
The frequency of aerating your lawn depends on several factors, such as the type and variety of grass you have, the climate and soil conditions in your area (eg. silt, sandy or clay soils), the amount of traffic and wear your lawn receives, and the level of lawn care and maintenance you provide. Some lawns may need more frequent aeration than others due to their tendency to become compacted more easily or their slower decomposition rate of organic matter.
Generally, we recommend aerating your lawn once or twice a year for warm season grasses and once every two or three years for cool season grasses. We also monitor your lawn’s growth and condition regularly and advise you if any changes are needed. This way, we avoid the need for any major lawn care operation down the track, keeping your turf happy and content all year round.